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Roncalli Catholic High School Trap Shooting Club

2024 Roncalli Catholic High School Trapshooting Club Information

Benefits of the shooting sports:

Safety with firearms begins with learning the rules and acquiring the skills to apply them in a responsible and conscientious manner.

The shooting sports help to enforce discipline and respect.

Trapshooting format provides a level playing field for team members and provides equal opportunity for all students, regardless of background and experience.

Participation Eligibility:

Any full time student may participate in the Roncalli Catholic High School Trapshooting Club.  Roncalli Catholic High School administrators reserve the right to deny individual participation of student club members &/or adult mentors. You may participate if you are enrolled in a school that does not offer trapshooting and proof of enrollment will be needed. Mentors will serve the roll as “coaches” and will coordinate practice sessions, participation in Eastern Cornhusker Trapshooting Conference sanctioned shoots, and participation in State matches. 

Roncalli Catholic High School Trapshooting Club – General Rules:

Member must be enrolled in Roncalli Catholic High School or at a school that does not offer Trapshooting at the time of participation, no mid term graduates.

Completion of Hunter Education course is required to be eligible to participate in ECTC Conference shoots

Club members will be responsible for:

Hearing protection and Safety glasses that must be worn on the trap range

Shotgun and ammunition*

Practice fees = Covered by Sponsor Donations 

ECTC entry fees = $28.00 per conference shoot

Transportation - please car pool whenever possible.

If you need more information or are interested in coaching, please don't hesitate to email [email protected] or call Tristan Carlson (402-320-6250) and Jim Schneider (402-651-2526)

*Please contact Jim Schneider if you are interested in purchasing shotgun shells by the case. 

Additional Information:

Information about the Eastern Cornhusker Trapshooting Conference can be found on the internet at

Trap Team Practice Schedule:

We will Practice at the Valley Izaak Walton League located at the intersection of County Road 100 & Hwy 36 (2 miles west of the Elkhorn River) each Sunday at 10:00 am starting at the end of January. Please dress for the weather.

2024 Conference Schedule:


This season, there will be an emphasis on Safety and Etiquette.

Muzzle control – at all times.

Do not rest muzzle on your foot.

No excessive talking or noise (i.e. closing your action) while others in your squad are shooting.

Do not intentionally throw hulls on the ground.  Leave the trap range clean after each round.

Muzzle must be pointed down range when closing action at the firing line.

Shotgun action must be open when ever you are transporting your shotgun.  That includes when changing stations.

No sandals or ‘flip-flops’ are allowed on the shooting line.

To register, please click REGISTER NOW from the menu above. You will be directed to the Jr. Pride registration system where you will need to create a member account. Please select 2024 High School Trap Team. If you have any question or issues about registration, call Tristan Carlson 402-320-6250 

If you need more information or are interested in coaching, please don't hesitate to email [email protected] or call Tristan Carlson (402-320-6250) 

There will be a parent/participant meeting in mid-January

 *From National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF)

**Coaches or program leaders may deny the right of any student or coach to participate if there are safety concerns.

***Participants can be enrolled in Hunter Education and still practice, but must be completed before competition starts

****Jr. Pride will negotiate rates for ammunition by the case. Please let us know if you are interested

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